By Ryan C. Wood
If you or someone you know is being harassed in San Mateo County a restraining order can be obtained to stop the harassment. Harassment comes in many different forms. Harassment can be anything from elder abuse, domestic violence, workplace harassment and many more. We see news reports about how student harassment is a growing concern all across the United States. There are suicides by harassed students. All types of harassment need to stop. The thought of seeking a restraining order against someone may seem extreme, but the harassment is sometimes just as extreme and at some point you must protect yourself.
A civil harassment straining order can be obtained to stop school harassment by other students. A stay-away order can be obtained. Domestic violence restraining orders can also be obtained. Domestic situations include parties that are now married or registered domestic partners, used to be married or registered domestic partners, live together, used to live together, are related by blood, marriage, or adoption, are dating or used to be dating or parents of a child under the age of 18. In domestic situations the harassing party can be ordered to move out of your house if you live together. You will most likely want a stay-away order as well.
If a restraining order is issued against someone they can no longer have firearms. Firearms can be turned it to local law enforcement to be held for a fee. Or the restrained person can sell their firearms to a licensed gun dealer. Even if you turn your firearms over to law enforcement you get a one-time chance to sell them to a licensed gun dealer. The gun dealer just has to show proof of the purchase of the firearms to the local law enforcement agency holding them to obtain the sold firearms.
In domestic violence cases you can even request that the harassing party pay for your attorney fees and costs for seeking the restraining order.
A very specific type of restraining order is a private postsecondary school violence protection order. This type of order is requested by a chief administrator of a private school or someone like a principal. A postsecondary education institution is defined as a private institution of vocational, professional or postsecondary education. This type of order is obtained against a student that is causing problems at the private school. To obtain this type of restraining order it must be alleged that a student suffered a credible threat of violence from an individual, credible threat of violence while made off the campus that could be carried out on the campus or the conduct of the person the private school is seeking an order against is not allowable as part of a legitimate labor dispute or they are not doing a constitutionally protected activity.
Remember, if someone is harassing you get a restraining order in San Mateo County and stop the harassment. We have offices in San Mateo County, San Francisco and San Jose for your convenience.